Become a Root Sponsor
List your Studio in our Directory
Root Sponsors are the backbone of Living Tree Yoga. They are Yoga studios, gyms, and teachers, providing space for shared experience and healing powers of practicing yoga.
In order to become a root sponsor, the participating yoga studios will make a yearly donation of $120 per or $10 a month to be listed on the LTY website and promoted by Tree Yoga via digital marketing, community events, developing relationships with healthcare entities.
Root Sponsorship has perks!
Root Sponsors will benefit from increased exposure throughout the community. Your yoga business is promoted in our Living Tree Yoga directory, Root Sponsors receive a window decal to proudly display and have access to marketing material available for sharing. LTY's website digitally promotes via Google search and Social Media platforms. Root Sponsors also have access to cancer-specific training for yoga practice techniques and the opportunity to participate in community events. Additionally, each new Root Sponsor will be the subject of a Community Celebration announcement via press release and email for becoming a part of Living Tree Yoga.
Our community outreach will benefit all of our Root Sponsors as we grow and share our amazing vision with health care entities and community supporters. As Living Tree Yoga do our Root Sponsors.
List your studio as a ROOT SPONSOR by completing your payment and the registration form.